Effortless lace pathfinder. She can use two-handed weapons meant for creatures one size category larger, but the penalty for doing so is increased by 4. Effortless lace pathfinder

 She can use two-handed weapons meant for creatures one size category larger, but the penalty for doing so is increased by 4Effortless lace pathfinder  The thing that bugs me about the Pathfinder estoc

The effortless lace states that "if the weapon gets destroyed, so does the lace" (paraphrased) So, combining that: the effortless. The paladin in my Tues night Rise of the Runicorns game is going with Light Armor and uses that one dancing feat with a scimitar for his weapon. Second Edition Rulebooks; Official Digital Toolset; Online System Reference; Downloads; First. Plus it counts as a light weapon. 3rd level feat will be Piranha Strike (It's like power attack for your light weapon, -1 for +2) Pick up Intensify Spell metamagic feat at 5th level. Cost: That extra -2 penalty for not being a light weapon. However, the effortless lace does nothing unless you actually have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat; merely fighting with a weapon in each hand is not enough for the effortless lace's magic to work. S. It's either an errata or a misprint in my copy of the book, as. Effortless Armor Source Ultimate Combat pg. So you can duel wield and get all that sweet Dex to damageThe lace can still be destroyed / sundered / etc. Then you get effortless lace, and overall you TWF at a -1 which is much better than usual. It still is a two-handed weapon, just for. Now, your attacks do 3d8 albeit with a -2 penalty. 28 Aura strong transmutation CL 15th Slot none; Price 2,500 gp; Weight — Description This elegant silk ribbon gleams like mithral and feels like polished steel. Effortless Lace is listed as a unique weapon on AoN, but it seems more like a standard magic item-- it's definitely useful for certain builds if it qualifies for your criteria. Pathfinder monks aren't weak! I try to demonstrate the incredible diversity and power of Pathfinder 2e monks in this combat demonstration! We have a drunken master, crane monk, weapon monk, ki master, and zen archer. taking Power Attack, which I recommend, but you don't qualify for it with 7 Strength. This elegant silk ribbon gleams like mithral and feels like polished steel. This elegant silk ribbon gleams like mithral and feels like polished steel. If you don't want to spend the gold on effortless lace, I would go with a slayer build and go STR based. By level 6, you'll still be behind 3/4ths BAB classes. If I remember correctly, the current record ist a Cave Druid wild shaping into a Carnivorous Crystal that has a 7d8 slam attack. I skimmed through your guys' posts and just a few quick things. Although a wizard hook does not allow for fine manipulation, it is infused with magic that bolsters somatic components—you can use a hand stump outfitted with a wizard hook to fulfill. Weapon Finesse - using DEX instead of STR modifier on attack rolls when fighting with a light weapon Effortless Dual-Wielding - treat the weapon in the trained group (scimitar) as light weapon. Also you might consider acrobatics for skill focus instead of spellcraft. If you want a dual wielding Dex build, just use kukris; they are finessable to begin, and light as well. Next thing i thought of is making all of the above with an. Effortless Lace is an interesting edge-case because it can only be affixed to a one-handed weapon, and must stay on the weapon for 24 hours before the effect begins, after which you can't remove it without ending the effect and rendering the Lace worthless. DESCRIPTION. The 1d4 isn't too bad considering the best you could do otherwise is either a longsword (1d8 with effortless lace) or a bastard sword (1d10 with effortless lace, but requires a feat) Reply reply. You get to play a swashbuckling paladin, with the deeds of a swashbuckler + lay on hands and smite evil. For comparison, 2,500gp can buy you six scrolls of 3rd level spells. A very "common" TWF style. Slashing Grace specifically mention. Have to avoid getting. Specific Magic Weapons – Pathfinder_OGC – Google Search;I was mistaken; @Barillas found a pretty solid one in the form of effortless lace, which should cover the requirements for most purposes. However, as mentioned, Vital Strike builds can alleviate this a bit. 142 Statistics Cost 12 gp Weight 8 lbs. (Lance weapon description)If you’re dead set on both bastard sword and being dex based, look up an effortless lace. Then there's Hooked Massacre, an extensible spiked chain with reposition. effortless lace is not in this game. You'd need Piranha Strike and an Effortless Lace to make it work with the Aldori Dueling Sword. Note that at that point, you're already at (-4) if you go with Titan Mauler. So a Medium character. You don't need to allow the whole book but if you allowed Effortless Lace or the Effortless Dual-Wielding AWT talent then he could do a TWF dwarf Weapon Master fighter using dwarven war axes. DESCRIPTION. The Slashing Grace feat is designed to allow swashbucklers to use slashing weapons. Likewise, ultimately, this player cannot play Brigitte in Pathfinder; the character can at best be a Brigitte-inspired Pathfinder. A Guide Ranger with one level of Swashbuckler can use Two-Weapon Grace to dual-wield Effortless Lace falcatas with Ranger's Focus, which is basically a giblet factory. The Scimitar is not a weapon which works with weapon finesse. Business, Economics, and Finance. I would assume you mean three levels into Titan Mauler for massive weapons, as Jotungrip turns a two-handed weapon into a one-handed weapon. Now, the two weapon fighting feat benefit doesn't reference weapon size at all. Prerequisite: Dex 15, Two-Weapon Fighting. battles start getting pretty lop-sided one way or the other. *checks Effortless Lace* Ayup. Aura strong necromancy; CL 13th Weight 1/10 lb. You can finesse it, it has longsword damage with rapier crit. Utilizing Wield Oversized weapon (if this is a Pathfinder feat; I don't know because I'm admittedly a noob), a Larrge Nodachi could be wielded instead of a large bastard sword in two hands and the fighter would benefit more thanks to the Nodachi's additional properties such as the ability to strike with slashing or piercing for the same. I've been playing Pathfinder since I started to play RPG, so DnD is unfamiliar to me. That way, you don't have two different types of weapons. It's not a two-handed weapon. (Effortless lace item description) Notice that this can only be used on a one-handed piercing or slashing weapon—a lance is clearly piercing, so that’s no trouble, but it’s a two-handed weapon. Effortless Lace explicitly says that the weapon has to be "wielded by a creature whose size matches that of the weapon’s intended wielder" in order to benefit from being treated as a light weapon. by Leather Unlimited. You can't put Effortless Lace on Lance. Including Effortless lace + agile weapon, Cyclops Helm + Jingasa of the fortunate soldier combined at 1. He "intend for the effortless lace to make Two-Weapon Fighting more inclusive for other weapons" (emphasis mine), doesn't mean he actually wrote it do do that. ) See Two-Weapon Fighting in the. Gloves of Dueling: For essentially Weapon Specialization. If you're ok with focusing on rapiers, taking the inspired blade archetype gives you weapon finesse & weapon focus for free at level 1. Effortless Lace and Irongrip Gauntlets are items that helps with that too. possible tattoo late-game). That shows how proper use of a reach weapon massively increases the effectiveness of a warrior in Pathfinder. At low levels, probably not. It's only 2500gp, and makes a weapon light. Effects that would dispel the magic of the weapon or cause the weapon to gain. The mindblade, for example, creates a new weapon every time, which explicitly vanishes (not gets unsummoned). You cannot do this. Mutant Fighter, 2x vestigial arms, multiweapon fighting and effortless lace to reduce penalties to -2/-2. can stretch out to 20'! Only $4. If you want to keep to Pathfinder rules, this will not work, and is frankly a bit ridiculous. Effortless-lace: This item reduces penalty for oversized weapons by 2 (min 0). Without knowing what you're actually doing there is no way to help you. effortless lace pathfinder is official recipe page/portal. It is slightly better than agile because it allows 1. Accomplished sneak attacker is quite nice. Inappropriately Sized Weapons: A creature can’t make optimum use of a weapon that isn’t properly sized for it. Date Posted: Nov 23 @ 1:38am. The slotless item effortless lace (2,500 gp; 0 lbs. #8 (bit out of order): Second level of the Swordlord prestige class allows you to add dex to damage with an aldori dueling sword. DESCRIPTION. The feat Slashing Grace focuses around making DEX your primary stat for attacking and dealing damage, and has Weapon Finesse as a requirement. CryptoHi fellow Pathfinder . Effortless Lace Source Giant Hunter's Handbook pg. i use a large sized falcata. DESCRIPTION. (Lance weapon description) If you’re dead set on both bastard sword and being dex based, look up an effortless lace. Get Weapon Focus (Whip) at level 2 from the weapon training rogue talent and take Whip Mastery at level 3 since you will have +2 BAB at level 3. Also, does Two-Weapon Rend's Strength…Best ways to get a bigger weapon/reduce size penalties Known ways are Effortless lace ( 1 handed weapon piercing/slashing) Iron grip gauntlets Titan mauler fighter archetype There's a Barbarian archetype that does itAs a side note the penaly for using a larger weapon can also be limited or negated by the items effortless lace and irongrip gaunlets. I honestly think Two-Weapon Fighter is a better fit for this character because you lose some of the best Swashbuckler stuff for dual-wielding, namely Precise. EDIT: checked the SRD and it says Swashbuckler's Finesse works on 1h weapons there. If it strikes such a creature, the target must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or take 50 points of damage. That being said, you could easily just make a Warpriest of Sarenrae that uses a greatsword. However, the attack roll penalty for using weapons too large for her size is reduced by 1, and this. You would have to get effortless lace and spend a feat for katana proficiency and finesse ability, but that's not bad. For a pure rapier PC, you might consider Inspired Blade. Impact/Lead Blades would be 4-24. 142 Statistics Cost 12 gp Weight 8 lbs. You lose the Cut from Air stuff (unless you take Martial Focus as a feat tax. I don't think Arcane Strike is a good idea because the Magus already needs a lot of swift actions - arcane pool and most of his arcana use those. When wrapped around the grip of a one-handed piercing or slashing melee weapon for 24 hours, the ribbon’s magic permanently merges with the weapon, reducing the attack roll penalty incurred by a wielder who is smaller than the weapon’s intended wielder by 2 (to a minimum penalty of 0). Oh, how did I miss that, thanks! Maybe, but you'd need Effortless Lace. I'd be surprised if using an undersized glaive (small if the paladin's medium, tiny if small) is workable for C-K. Fruian Thistlefoot : Mar 7, 2015, 04:53 pm:. You can dualwield a one handed weapon and a light weapon and only take a -2. service@paizo. m. This is the subreddit for Pathfinder Society Organized play, not individual games. As a bloodrager, take the abyssal bloodline and get a free Enlarge Person on raging (a free action, so no buffing round needed). I suggest taking power attack as you might feel a little lacking without dex to damage. However, note also that. Bonus cheese points if you're a tiefling who happens to get the oversized weapons ability. You get to play a swashbuckling paladin, with the deeds of a swashbuckler + lay on hands and smite evil. 25 You can use your favored weapons in unconventional ways. C. Applying an effortless lace to an item makes it count as a light weapon, so I don't see why this would be cheesy. Mithral is +500 gp/lb. DESCRIPTION. Rawhide lace is ideal for leather crafts, black powder supplies, Indian lore. Where you can manage your account and its data. Short answer: Yes, the Large longsword is better. so I'm attempting to build a scythe wielding stygian slayer and I have some questions to make sure I haven't messed up. It only reduces the attack penalty for oversized weapons, a large wakizashi is still a one-handed weapon for you and can't be used with Weapon Finesse. Also you might consider acrobatics for skill focus instead of spellcraft. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. The feat is chosen when this special ability is placed on the weapon. You might need to pick up Martial Versatility (Slashing Grace) to apply it to the chainsaw. In order to get it, you need at least Weapon Training II or base Weapon Training and the Advanced Weapon Training Feat. Most "anime"-like classes and feats in Pathfinder are going to relate to this demographic (Magus) There are other genres, like Shojo, which are also commonly exported. If they wanted, they could always craft a new martial weapon per the rules with that is a one-handed, 1d10 X2. Ok let's put it this way. They can use both FoB and Ki Strike with WT weapons. He "intend for the effortless lace to make Two-Weapon Fighting more inclusive for other weapons" (emphasis mine), doesn't mean he actually wrote it do do that. Go Katana with effortless lace. any way to accomplish this?Effortless Lace: removes -2 penalty for weilding an oversize weapon Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bastard Sword allows you to wield a Large-size Bastard Sword (2d8 base damage). Maybe homebrew something like that? Itll be pretty unbalanced but I dont. Once an effortless lace’s abilities have been conveyed to a weapon, the ribbon must remain attached to the weapon or its effects end immediately, its magic is permanently lost, and it is reduced to worthless cloth. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Cost 2500gp though. You can use the scrolls normally when you have a caster level. Need Help? Mon–Fri, 10:00 a. Alternatively, acquiring some Effortless Lace will let you avoid the class dip. "Restrictions are GOOD in Pathfinder 2e" - I've had players coming from D&D 5th Edition who want to homebrew Pathfinder 2e rules that cost you an action to move, raise a shield, and do other. Most people who do take inappropriately sized weapons choose a small whip on a medium creature. Cory Stafford 29 : Mar 8, 2015, 11:26 am: What makes a war sighted oracle so awesome? kestral287 :Well with slashing grace not working with two weapon fighting you will need both 'effortless lace' and the agile weapon enchant to pull of two-weapon dex to damage longswords. Effortless Lace does not necessarily make it "lighter" but steps it down a size category. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition > General Discussions > Topic Details. For comparison, 2,500gp can buy you six scrolls of 3rd level spells. starstone. Any TWF Swashbuckler build gives up the massive power of Precise Strike. Spear dancing spiral Allow you to finesse with it, as well as use quarterstaff feats with it. More exactly what you need. Your Sacred Weapon damage is based off your size, not your weapon's. Crypto—Pathfinder Design Team, 05/24/13 and that Weapons, Two-Handed in One Hand: When a feat or other special ability says to treat a weapon that is normally wielded in two hands as a one handed weapon, does it get treated as one or two handed weapon for the purposes of how to apply the Strength modifier or the Power Attack feat?I am playing a home-brew campaign that uses pathfinder base rules. A large creature wielding a. Then if we add Strongarm Bracers said character can now wield a huge weapon. Date Posted: Nov 23 @ 1:38am. (This subreddit is not administered by or affiliated with Paizo Publishing®, LLC in any way). Effortless Lace. I actually really like Effortless Lace. E. The feat Slashing Grace focuses around making DEX your primary stat for attacking and dealing damage, and has Weapon Finesse as a requirement. Gun and Sword is. Pathfinder rules make no distinction between primary and secondary weapons. Use a whip or an Aldori dueling sword. I think. Your unarmed attacks gain the reach trait. After some very weak search fu, I have turned up nothing. You can get a large bastard sword with effortless lace just to get the feeling of swinging a massive sword when TWF. Best enchantment for a TWF unchained rogue (besides just enhancement bonuses) I'm thinking best in terms of build, but also best bang for your buck. This is actually a perfect reply, I never thought to use a whip. Take Martial Focus (Shield Group) then take Advanced Weapon Training: Effortless Dual-Wielding 3. I don't get it. Slow-Management-4462 • 2 yr. Vestigial Arms Alchemist Discovery, Titan Mauler Barbarian), you can't dual wield Oversized Sawtooth Sabres. Ideally, you should then get effortless lace for the second scythe to count as a light weapon so you are TWFing at -2, rather than at -4. I have zero interest in dual wielding. This can't be done at 1st level, but is a great option for someone starting at a higher level, someone who wants to switch to the weapon later on, or just for roleplaying a character mastering a weapon that they had difficulty with at first. I've been poking around google for a while now, and it doesn't really look like there's a way to make it work that doesn't rely on DM fiat (spear dancing style seems. View Cart; Help; Pathfinder . Neither in the game nor in the PnP. . When the wearer wields an improvised melee weapon or inappropriately sized weapon, reduce the penalty for doing so by 2 (minimum 0). You can absolutely wield a weapon designed for a larger creature; see the Iconic Barbarian, Amiri for an official character designed with this mechanic in mind. Sign In; Cart . If not for PFS, you can use an Effortless Lace on one of the Rapiers. CASTING. Weapon Focus (Short Swords, or whichever weapon you choose) As for gear, get a Mithral Chain Shirt (1. Effortless Lace - allows you to move up to a huge bastard sword - 6d8. But then you also take a -2 penalty on attack rolls for using a weapon that isn't sized for you, as well as doing less damage. Double Weapons have the base. On a scimitar (some classes have those, but not kukri), that is 2,000 gp. Well later on the Feat Line gets nasty but those first two seem fairly harmless. So here's the…Lace: "When wrapped around the grip of a one-handed piercing or slashing melee weapon. Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shrink item; Price 1,250 gp. Storm Step = Trick. Showing 1 - 1 of 1 comments. Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S. Oversized Greatsword is 3-18, but -2 To hit, you'd need some Effortless Lace. This means that the weapon effectively gets destroyed when the magus releases it, or stops concentrating. im a human. If you have monk's robes, this could be 4d8 base damage at level 7. rorek55 : Sep 12, 2021, 11:50 pm: 1 person marked. You have the right to make changes in your account and post the latest updates on your wall. So you don't take the -2 to attack. DESCRIPTION. Best way to TWF with a Falcata is with Effortless Lace Effortless Lace wrote: When wrapped around the grip of a one-handed piercing or slashing melee weapon for 24 hours, the ribbon's magic permanently merges with the weapon, reducing the attack roll penalty incurred by a wielder who is smaller than the weapon's intended wielder by 2. Anyone got suggestions on improving ways to hit while duel welding. I would also like to know if there would be an ideal class combo to work with this weapon choice. Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S. Hmmm. #1. No, Effortless Lace wouldn't help. If you so happen to dip Unarmed Fighter (yep) you can snatch Crane Style, and later, Crane Wing. Marketplace › Vehicles › Nissan. Effortless Lace is a pretty good bargain at 2,500 GP. If they're willing to spend the resources for them and there's no real. m. Effect Goods and services cost you 10% more (and can’t be paid for by allies), and you need twice as much food and liquid as normal for the purposes of preventing starvation and thirst. With effortless lace, there's no -2 penalty to attacks from being one size larger than a medium size wielder. Effortless Lace Price 2,500 gp; Slot none; CL 15th; Weight —; Aura strong transmutation DESCRIPTION This elegant silk ribbon gleams like mithral and feels like polished steel. I'll look into that with my GM. Generally these are either rangers or fighters due to the feat intensity of the build. A lance can be wielded one handed while mounted. Pathfinder monks aren't weak! I try to demonstrate the incredible diversity and power of Pathfinder 2e monks in this combat demonstration! We have a drunken master, crane monk, weapon monk, ki master, and zen. That only negates the penalties for wielding large weapons. So level 2 fighter with advanced weapon and armor training archetype. If I apply an effortless lace to my rapier, would that allow me to chose that weapon for the benefits of the cloak and dagger style feat? My GM raised the concern that when picking the weapon for the Cloak and Dagger Style feat - I have to pick a weapon that is naturally light and the rapier is still a non-light weapon by itself. It being a swift actions nerfs it pretty hard in pathfinder though. Slaying Arrow. +2 enhancement (minimum of an additional +16,000 gp from a base +1 weapon) isn't exactly cost-efficient for an additional average. It allows for really specific character concepts without really overpowering anything. I'm kind of unclear how that actually interacts in a RAW sense, because you need exotic weapon prof to use a bastard as a one hand, and therefore qualify it for effortless lace. Effortless Lace; Emancipation Hammer; Emerald-Eyed Blade; Erratic Blade; Everbloom Thorn; Everflowing Aspergillum; Fanged Falchion; Farspear; Fiend's Relief; Fighter's Fork; Fighting Tankard; Final Word; Firedrake Pistol; Fist of the Pit; Flame Tongue; Fleshwarped Scorpion's Tail; Frost Brand; Frostbite Sling; Frozen Crossbow; Ghoul's Lament. i use a large sized falcata. Community / Forums / Pathfinder / Pathfinder First Edition / Advice / Improving an existing Eldritch Guardian Build : All MessageboardsOne of the players in my pathfinder group is giving DMing a try, using the Iron Gods adventure path. Benefit: You gain 1 additional skill point per Hit Die. Things like: When an enemy attacks you, you do a skill check and move. A tabletop role-playing game community for everything related to Pathfinder Second Edition. 95. So Oversized Sawtooth Sabres would be two-handed weapons at (-2). The classes have a lot of mechanics, but Path of War classes are like, fighters with abilities. Due to reduced BAB, piranha strike will have a slower rate of growth--and accuracy is much, MUCH more important. Community / Forums / Pathfinder / Pathfinder First Edition / Advice / Getting Power Attack with low Str :Spear dancing style Turn a reach weapon in a double weapon and. I'm interested in dual wielding bastard sword (mostly because I can), and exotic weapon master has a trick that that reduces dual wielding penalties by 1 (so -1/-1) but requires the exotic weapon be light. Swap to/dip Titan Fighter for Giant Weapon Wielder, letting large 2-handed weapons be wielded as two handed weapons. Benefit: You gain an insight bonus on Will saving throws against mind-affecting effects equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 0). Agile Scimitar (w/ effortless lace) x2, +2 Bracers of armor, +2 Ring of Pro, +2 Amulet of NA, +2 Cloak of Res, +2 Belt of Dex, wand of Long Arm. CryptoI have dual Rapiers (effortless lace so it's still only -2) and plan to open with a feint if I can't flank to get my sneak attacks going and also lower their AC. Missed the piercing. Damage 1d6 (small), 1d8 (medium); Critical x2; Range —; Type B; Special — Category One-Handed; Proficiency Simple Weapon Groups Hammers Description A heavy mace has a larger head and a longer handle than a light mace. Using effortless lace on your off-hand weapon makes the down side of having 2 one handed weapons far less drastic. Usually people say Bashing and Spikes work, but not guaranteed. Everything past that is pretty luxury. Unfortunately it looks like a similar restriction applies to Slashing Grace. Weapon Versatility (Combat) Source Undead Slayer's Handbook pg. Slow-Management-4462 • 2 yr. Reg06 wrote: Can a medium barbarian wields a large bastard sword in two hands as a martial weapon? Suffering only the -2 penalty for wielding an oversized weapon. It only reduces the attack penalty for oversized weapons, a large wakizashi is still a one-handed weapon for you and can't be used with Weapon Finesse. One could argue you could be done with spear dancing style by using an elven branched spear Since the weapon should retain it's finesse while changing the way you fight. I'm considering using an effortless lace to negate the penalty of using a large starknife but there lies the problem. The magic weapon mammoth lance (Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the North 29) (32,310 gp; 10 lbs. Level 3 Massive Weapon Reduction=+1 Level 6 Massive Weapon Reduction=+1 Effortless Lace=+2. Trying to get the highest possible Vital Strike hit (just dice, no flat bonuses) Okay, so this is more of a theory crafting exercise, but you can still use it in real play. [Meta] r/Pathfinder_RPG should join the Reddit Blackout on June 12th to stand up to the API changes for 3rd party apps. On a successful hit that deals damage, the target must succeed at a DC 14 Fortitude save or take a –1 penalty on attack and damage rolls for 1 round as salty. gg/pathfinder2e or f. (Part 2 of the "D&D Monks. 6th level Sohei Monk gets Weapon Training of one of a select few Fighter Weapon Groups. Price +2 bonus; Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Weight —. When wrapped around the grip of a one-handed piercing or slashing melee weapon for 24 hours, the ribbon's magic permanently merges with the weapon, reducing the attack roll penalty incurred by a wielder who is smaller than the weapon's intended wielder by 2. That's what the Pathfinder Iconic Fighter does. If the size increases by one step, look up the original damage on the chart and increase the damage by two steps. Mahtobedis wrote: A few things. A. Go Katana with effortless lace. Learn more. Pathfinder monks aren't weak! I try to demonstrate the incredible diversity and power of Pathfinder 2e monks in this combat demonstration! We have a drunken master, crane monk. starstone. The other option (besides Magus which was already mentioned) is Samurai 1 with the Warrior Poet archetype for katana proficiency and ability to finesse it. Effortless Dual Wielding is an Advanced Weapon Training option, introduced in the player companion book "Blood of the Beast". If he puts an effortless lace on it, he considers it light and can't two hand it anymore, or at least does not gain any benefit from doing so. ReplyThat is, unless you take Effortless Lace, of course, but even then, you're only coming out at +2 damage having spent a feat and 2500 gold (for a dispellable item) to accomplish the same thing that Weapon Specialization (widely considered a sub-par feat compared to others) would. Fighter’s Finesse (Ex) The fighter gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat with all melee weapons that belong to the associated fighter weapon group (even if they cannot normally be used with Weapon Finesse). Aura moderate necromancy; CL 8th; Slot none; Price 10,320 gp; Weight 2 lbs. It's much less boring than just being locked into a scimitar like 90% of magi ever. - At 2nd lvl, with Bravado's Blade, you can forgo the 1d6 from sneak do demoralize the opponent (make him shaken) as a free action. Get an Effortless Lace, freeing up the Exotic Feat to retrain as one of the two options above. Hello all and thanks for any help you might be able to give. There are quite a few 18-20 weapons to choose from, and the exotic options are usually pretty nice. As an alternative to power attack, take piranha strike and an effortless lace to make your scimitar act like a light weapon. Focusing the powers of your ki to augment your blows, you stretch and. You are able to shrink one non-magical item (if. Effortless Armor. A normal sized titan fighter could wield a large twohanded weapon as a two handed weapon since he has a special ability that lets him. Effortless Lace - allows you to move up to a huge bastard sword - 6d8. 28 Aura strong transmutation CL 15th Slot none; Price 2,500 gp; Weight — Description This elegant silk ribbon gleams like mithral and feels like polished steel. Join us on for more discussion on discord. Jokem wrote: LazarX wrote: Reg06 wrote:. (Light->1-handed->2-handed->unusable. Effortless Lace requires a one-handed weapon and using a double weapon or a polearm as a double weapon (the other end just being the butt of the haft) is. Shows like Naruto, DBZ, and Rurouni Kenshin are all shonen. #1. Instead of making your off hand Falcata small, use an effortless lace. Smaller: Inappropriately Sized Weapons explains it works the same as for larger weapons - a cumulative –2 penalty for each size category of difference, and 'effort' adjusted by one per step. Brine’s Sting is a slim +1 rapier with a hilt guard in the shape of a writhing purple sea snake. Alexander is an active freelancer for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and is best known as the author of the Pact Magic Unbound series by Radiance House. Only for curiosity and if we don't take into consideration any throwing or archery build. Go to Pathfinder_RPG r/Pathfinder_RPG • by. Get an Effortless Lace, freeing up the Exotic Feat to retrain as one of the two options above. I know that using order of the blossom would give me some extra d6 on my feint but for the love of me i hate fays so i. Also there's Effortless Lace which you can slap on any one-handed piercing or slashing weapon Reply reply. u/Essemecks pointed out that since this is the case, it could either destroy the Effortless Lace, or else render the effect inert unless attached to a chain coat. Slashing Grace - use DEX instead of STR modifier on. Having a bit of a debate with friends about if with the wording for titan mauler jotungrip makes it that with effortless lace you could make a great sword weapon finesseable. For class, base fighter or the TWF fighter archetype would make good longsword fighter. Second Edition Rulebooks; Official Digital Toolset; Online System Reference; Downloads; First. Effortless Lace explicitly says that the weapon has to be "wielded by a creature whose size matches that of the weapon’s intended wielder" in order to benefit from being treated as a light weapon. Source Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight! pg. Note that at that point, you're already at (-4) if you go with Titan Mauler. Or: Swashbuckler 8/ Scaled Fist Unchained Monk 1 (last level in either swashbuckler for +1 ATK/DMG or Monk for a bonus feat and Evasion). working on making the initial benefit of torags divine technique work. If you were to pick mobility and weapon enhancement spells, I'm sure you'll be able to pull off a Virgil-character. Cunning. Follow the link I posted above above for reach weapons and tactics. None of them are in the base game. But when dual wielding scimitar with Weapon Finesse & Effortless Dual-Wielding, the attack roll is using STR instead of DEX modifier. Business, Economics, and Finance. CryptoThey provide a sure, strengthened grip on large or awkwardly shaped items. You move up to 8d8. [Meta] r/Pathfinder_RPG should join the Reddit Blackout on June 12th to stand up to the API changes for 3rd party apps. A longsword wrapped in effortless lace is a melee weapon that can be used with weapon finesse, so it's a valid target for Agile, even if longswords as a weapon type can't be finessed and aren't a valid target for Finesse Training. Pathfinder Building a Rapier Dex Melee. if I use an effortless lace…Go to Pathfinder_RPG r/Pathfinder_RPG • by. So a longsword is a 1d8 power one handed weapon. His penalties would only be -4/-4 and with Effortless Lace (which is a magic item, I think) it would drop to -2/-2. examples: im a halfling and use a medium sized dagger. Effortless Lace makes properly sized one-handed piercing or slashing weapons be treated as a light piercing or slashing weapon for the purpose of Weapon Finesse or any feat that can be used in conjunction with light weapons, like TWF. I've been playing Pathfinder since I started to. In order to get it, you need at least Weapon Training II or base Weapon Training and the Advanced Weapon Training Feat. Uncommon: Recall Knowledge. Other than those feats, take weapon focus, power attack, buy effortless lace, and dual-balance your weapons to reduce the two weapon fighting penalties. Range touch Target one touched object of up to 2 cu. Price 2,500 gp; Slot none; CL 15th; Weight —; Aura strong transmutation. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. There are also several weapon-specific improvements you can do. Pick up a +1 Growing, Impact Huge greatsword after you've been enlarged. This elegant silk ribbon gleams like mithral and feels like polished steel. However, the effortless lace does nothing unless you actually have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat; merely fighting with a weapon in each hand is not enough for the effortless lace's magic to work. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition. Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shrink item; Price 1,250 gp. ) becomes an inseparable part of any 1-handed piercing or slashing weapon around whose grip it's wrapped for 24 hours, and,. One highly effective method of increasing reach in Pathfinder, not yet mentioned, is the Cleric Subdomain Plant (Growth). Slashing Grace specifically mention. Titan Technique (feat) allows you to do something like this. Community / Forums / Pathfinder / Pathfinder First Edition / General Discussion / Need advice for a Greatsword Fighter. Edit. Well with the Effortless Lace you get to be a full Paladin, and all the Benefits that entails, you get full access to Lay on Hands, if you want you only need the Weapon Finesse Feat, and you can still pull Fey Foundling/Greater Mercy if you want AND you can still get the full benefit out of Power Attack (if you have a base Str of 13, but since. That only negates the penalties for wielding large weapons.